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How does Chinese Medicine/ Acupuncture and Psychotherapy help with Depression?

2024年10月25日 下午8:00 – 下午9:30 [EDT]
Google Meet
抑鬱症是 一種常見的情緒病,患者會持續感到情緒低落、失眠或嗜睡、難以專注、失去動力、無價值感等等之困擾,嚴重影響日常生活。移民、工作轉變、學業、經濟、人濟和家庭壓力、退休或冬季來臨也會提高抑鬱之風險。從中醫/針灸角度,可以如何輔助憂鬱症患者?心理治療又如何幫助減輕憂鬱情緒,讓患者走出困局?
Depression is a common mood disorder that causes patients to experience persistent feelings of sadness, insomnia or excessive sleepiness, difficulty concentrating, loss of motivation, and feelings of worthlessness, all of which can severely impact daily life. Factors such as immigration, job changes, academic pressure, economic stress, family stress, retirement, or winters can increase the risk of depression.
From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture, how do they assist patients with depression? Additionally, how can psychotherapy help alleviate depressive symptoms and enable patients to overcome their challenges?
時間:晚上8時至9時半 (東岸時間) / 早上8時至9時半 (香港時間, 10月26日)